
LaserTat's Guide to Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

Welcome to the fascinating world of cosmetic eyebrow tattoo removal, an ever-evolving landscape of beauty where trends shift and beauty evolves. In this blog, we delve into the world of cosmetic eyebrow laser tattoo removal, exploring the intricacies of the process, its uniqueness compared to conventional tattoo removal, and the motivations behind why people remove them.

Why Remove Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoos?

The decision to remove eyebrow tattoos is as varied as the ink colours themselves. Trends shift, personal tastes evolve, and sometimes, a once-beloved brow enhancement no longer resonates with our current sense of beauty. Some may be unhappy with the shape, style, colour of their eyebrows and others may feel that the tattoos were executed poorly. Whether seeking a fresh canvas or correcting a less-than-ideal result, the reasons behind the desire to undo eyebrow tattoos are as diverse as the individuals making the choice.


The Unique World of Removing Cosmetic Ink:

Cosmetic tattoo ink can be a very unpredictable; this is because, unlike traditional tattoos, cosmetic ink is tailored to an individual's hair and skin colour. The ink is specifically blended and often contains multiple coloured ink pigments. There are also several different ways that cosmetic eyebrow ink is tattooed into the skin; micro-bladed/feathering, ombre or machine-stroked which can determine how the removal process takes place. Due to these unique factors the removal process requires precision and expertise to tailor each individual’s treatment plan. It is also important to note that unlike body tattoos, cosmetic ink removal requires different laser settings, block-out goggles for eye safety, and a promise – it won’t affect your precious hair follicles. Laser tattoo removal machines are fast pulsed and therefore have no time to kill the hair follicle like an IPL machine does.


A personalised approach:

Consultation and planning are key to a successful cosmetic eyebrow tattoo removal journey. Your unique skin and the various colours within the tattoo guide our approach as no two brows are the same. Some clients may be looking for a complete removal for a fresh canvas, while others may simply want to fade their current eyebrow tattoos to later have them re-done in a different style, shape or colour. Generally the number of treatments needed to achieve the desired results is 2-6 sessions, however, ultimately this will be dictated by the coloured ink pigments within your brows and how effectively they remove.


Navigating the Removal Process: Outcomes and Possibilities!

The removal process can unfold in various ways. Occasionally it can be quite straightforward, requiring only 1-2 treatments for either fading or complete removal. In some cases immediate results can also be visible.

For some clients as we begin to remove their eyebrow tattoos, underlying warmer ink pigments may become visible. To ensure a thorough removal in these cases, the process of oxidisation becomes necessary. Oxidisation is where we utilise a different wavelength of laser light that targets the warmer ink pigments and makes it darker. After the warm ink undergoes oxidisation, we can continue the removal process, targeting the dark ink. This scenario is why multiple treatments may be necessary for eyebrows, given the diverse range of colours present.


At times during the removal procedure, it becomes visible that clients may have yellow ink pigments in their eyebrow tattoos. Unfortunately, in these examples, the laser is unable to penetrate the yellow ink, making laser removal ineffective in these specific cases. In these instances, we suggest exploring the option of saline removal. This method involves tattooing a saline solution into the skin over the ink pigment. The ink is essentially drawn to the skin's surface, leading to the formation of scabs that eventually fall off, taking the pigment with them. It's important to note that LaserTat does not provide this treatment. Additionally, as with any procedure, saline removal may not be suitable for everyone, and we strongly advise conducting thorough research and understanding the associated risks before considering this option.


Post-Treatment Care:
Initially the laser tattoo removal treatment may create some slight redness and swelling. Some may experience light bruising and like with any laser tattoo removal treatment there can be a risk of blistering, although this is very rare. Due to the nature in how eyebrow tattoos are lasered, generally the downtime is significantly lower than most other laser treatments. It is important to keep the area clean while it’s healing. Keeping in mind some precautions such as, staying out of sunlight, tanning booths and avoiding using specific facial products until the area is healed. Makeup can be applied to the treated area after 24hours and most other skin treatments such as microdermabrasion and facials should be avoided for 2 weeks following your treatment.


Real Stories, Real Transformations:

“I’ve been one of those people who has done one of the many beauty trends way before it was considered trendy, including having my brows micro-bladed … three times! Twice by the same technician and once by someone different. At the time I loved my brows but what I wasn’t prepared for was the different shades of ink throughout my brows – it was looking nasty. Then along came the more natural laminated look so I decided to take the plunge and get my brows lasered. I have seen LaserTat all the way through and they have been all kinds of amazing from being informative, to patient, supportive and professional. I’m absolutely stoked with the progress so far and even though I can see my 80’s brows more clearly now, I much prefer this look to the multi-coloured brows I had before. I cannot recommend LaserTat highly enough. Thank you!” – Linda Leske

“Had laser on my dreadful eyebrows that had been mirco-bladed. Two sessions of laser and they are just about back to normal! The girls were fantastic!” - Annonymous

“I have had black eyebrows for nearly 3 years and they looked ridiculous with my fair hair. After many different options and much money I found LaserTat. It was amazing. 30 seconds laser and I have lovely light brows again. Thank you, wonderful job!!!” - Wendy Ettidge


Beyond Eyebrows: Other Cosmetic Inks and Limitations!

Cosmetic ink extends beyond eyebrows, this can include SMP (scalp micropigmentation), freckles, beauty spots, lip liner and eyeliner. The removal of lip liner and eyeliner tattoos is not a service we offer here at LaserTat. Eyeliner removal requires eye shields to be inserted and this procedure can only be performed by a doctor or optometrist. Lip liner or lipstick tattoos, just like some eyebrows, will oxidise and turn darker creating an unflattering result.

 Is It Your Time for Transformation?

If you’ve been living with cosmetic tattooed eyebrows that you are unhappy with we can offer you a consultation with one of our lovely laser technicians who will take you through the process step by step and tailor a treatment plan that is right for you. If you would like to book an appointment online this can be conveniently done via our online booking system using the link below.

If you would like to chat with us further about this treatment you are welcome to call us on

0421 132 734 or email us at info@lasertat.com.au.