Fresh Start

Curt's Journey – Life changing laser tattoo removal

For some people the thought of beginning (or even continuing) laser tattoo removal can be very daunting. But when it means that your life will literally change as a result, it gives you the motivation to stay committed to the process.

Curt’s tattoos before commencing tattoo removal

Curt’s tattoos before commencing tattoo removal

Curt’s journey to remove all his visible tattoos was no easy ride, in fact it was probably one of the toughest we have seen.  Curt’s strength and determination to achieve the results needed is truly inspiring.

Curt has kindly offered to share his story in the hope that it may help others push through those harder barriers of beginning and staying committed to the laser journey.

Curt has been a tattoo artist for the last 10 years and after getting married and having 2 children he decided he wanted a career change to the Australian Defence Force.

He first applied for the ADF in April 2019 and was advised that their policy was that they would not accept any visible tattoos from the collar up. Curt was heavily tattooed on his neck, head and face and began laser tattoo removal on these areas immediately knowing that this could be a 1-2 year process or longer for complete removal.

Curt would come in every 3-4 weeks and we would split his sessions into different areas, face, left side neck, central neck, right side of neck and scalp. Each session he used numbing cream to assist with the pain as these areas are some of the most pain sensitive on the body. It was no easy task, some days we would need to reschedule as the numbing cream had not been effective or applied for long enough. Healing was also a struggle from time to time with some treatments resulting in swelling, blistering and pin point bleeding on the areas.


Curt also undertook many other tasks to better his chances of acceptance including completing an ADF preparation Maths course at TAFE SA (as he did not finish Maths in year 10), bringing his health and fitness up to speed and he also had his stretched ear lobes surgically stitched up.

In April 2020 Curt was offered a position into the ADF and had to send through photos of where he was at with his laser treatments. Unfortunately at this point he wasn’t fully accepted as the tattoos were still too dark, especially under his chin. We continued with frequent treatments to lighten and remove his tattoos even further.

Curt was able to progress with other areas of his application during this time and passed medical tests and passed PFA fitness tests, every 6 weeks. Had a further assessment day/job interview in Feburary 2021 and was told he would be put forward for a position as soon as tattoos were removed. 

In June 2021 he was again asked to send through new photos of his tattoo removal progress, including before and afters and was given a waiver for his remaining tattoos (under chin) so that his application could progress further. We had almost fully removed all other tattoos, however his chin tattoo was very deeply tattooed into the skin and was proving to be the most stubborn one out of all his tattoos. Thankfully it was under his chin and much less noticeable. The waiver was approved in July 2021 and presented to the head recruitment officer. 

When Curt’s application and waiver, including the before and after images were presented to the head recruitment officer, he was so impressed with the process Curt has been through and the progress of the tattoo removal he offered Curt a position in the next intake immediately.

In July 2021 he received a formal job offer and enlistment date for August 2021.

We are so proud and inspired by the progress and transformation Curt has undertaken to achieve his goal to enter the ADF. There’s no better feeling than being able to help our clients achieve their goals and in some cases completely change their lives for the better.


Curt has kindly provided some feedback on his tattoo removal journey and experience:

”For the past 12 years I have worked in the tattoo industry and as a result of that I gathered quite a few tattoos along the way!

After getting married and having 2 children I felt the need for a bit of stability and consistency both in work hours and financially, so the thought of a defence force career popped up again and my long….long journey of tattoo removal began.

Amanda and the girls at LaserTat are amazing and have helped me and encouraged me the whole way through the process even on the days that I didn't want to deal with another session they made it as comfortable and friendly as possible and without that I may have not made it all this way.

I cannot recommend LaserTat enough to anyone wanting to remove a little old tattoo or to help completely change your life like they have in my instance.

What was the most difficult part of the process?
Bringing myself to get laser so often especially when it seemed like there was no end in sight. It was hard making myself go to appointments some days more than others. I just tried to remind myself why I was doing it and every time I went to an appointment the team at LaserTat were always reassuring.

How did you have motivation to continue?
Thinking about my goal at the end of my laser journey and why it was worth it to me.

Do you have any advice for people wanting to commit to such a big change?
Remind yourself of the end game and why you committed to begin with. Take progress photos so you can remind yourself of how far you’ve come when it can seem like they haven’t faded at all. Numbing cream, and more numbing cream!


Thanks so much to Curt for allowing us to share his story. We wish you all the success in your next chapter of your life with the Australian Defence Force and thank you for trusting us to help remove your tattoos!!!!

Amanda and the LaserTat team

If you or anyone you know wants to know more about the laser process, Curt’s story or simply to book in your next treatment, please feel free to get in touch via our contact or booking page.

What is the most effective laser for tattoo removal?

It’s important to know that different ink colours require different laser wavelengths to target and shatter the ink particles. This is the basic principle behind effective laser tattoo removal. A milti-coloured tattoo requires multiple wavelengths to target each colour.

Finding out which wavelength is right for your specific tattoo is a very important factor to consider when researching a tattoo removal clinic. The capabilities of each wavelength are different, and it's important your laser clinic has the tools to treat your tattoo in the most effective way. 

Now, before we lose you amongst all the scientific stuff, let’s break these wavelengths down:

Black ink can be treated with either 1064nm & 755nm

Red, orange, yellow & pink ink require 532nm

Green, blue, purple ink require 755nm

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*The number sequence indicates where this wavelength sits on the light spectrum

*nm stands for Nanometers, a unit of measurement  

The quality of a laser machine plays a huge part in its effectiveness and safety of a laser treatment. A great quality machine will reduce the risk of scarring and damage caused to the skin whilst optimizing results. Our choice of laser technology for the past decade is hands down Cynosure. Cynosure is one of the world’s most trusted manufactures of medical grade lasers.

Our super artillery consists of the following lasers:

  • Cynosure MedliteC6, a Q-Switch laser we predominantly use to target heavy and deep black ink using the 1064nm wavelength and red, orange, yellow and pink ink by using its 532nm wavelength.

  • For green, blue and purple ink we bust out our Cynosure PicoSure laser using the 755nm wavelength. This wavelength is also proving effective on removing stubborn black ink as it has the ability to shatter ink particles even smaller making them easier for our body’s immune system to remove.  

LaserTat is the ONLY clinic in South Australia who offer both laser machines which allows us to treat every single colour at maximum effectiveness.

So in summary – the best laser for treating your tattoo all comes down to what colours of ink you have and the quality of laser machine. The best lasers are always FDA approved and come from quality manufactures with proven results.

You can check out our laser results by clicking here.

Committing to a laser tattoo removal journey can be a long one and often expensive. We’ll leave you with this last piece of advice:
Research, research, research!!